Basic Resources for Recording

Center for Academic Innovation
Last Updated: March 20, 2025
A man wearing headphones speaks into a microphone

How this will help

Understand the most basic tools for recording video/lecture content

Recording lecture content can be on a spectrum from incredibly simple (and cheap) to an investment in time and materials that could produce re-usable materials for years to come. How do you decide where you fit in that spectrum?

First, consider your time and willingness to learn new technologies. There are some very simple solutions to recording content that use tools you may already be implementing now in your class, but may also not produce the most polished end product or has limited

Kaltura (Canvas)

UM-ITS- Creating a lecture capture with Kaltura


University of Tennessee Knoxville- Create online lectures with PowerPoint

How-to Geek- How to record voiceover narration in PowerPoint


Tufts University- Basic pre-recording with Zoom

Southern Methodist University- Creating a lecture with Zoom

UM-ITS- Common Zoom topics


UM-ITS- Using BlueJeans in Canvas

More Advanced Tools 

CRLT- Resources on lecture capture and podcasting