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Inclusive teaching

The basics For many students, higher education has placed significant barriers and challenges to their academic achievement. Underrepresented students, particularly students of color, international students, students with physical disabilities, low-income students, students of nontraditional age, and women and non-binary students, encounter inequities that can pose barriers to their learning in higher ed. Online teaching as […]

Resources for instructors to help students

The basics Students need help navigating the new world of online instruction as well. These guides can help you help your students. How to help your students during COVID-19 Being an instructor means helping a student through a time of crisis. This document provides tips on how to manage the complicated role you have in […]

Giving good online feedback

The basics When you teach a face-to-face course, many instructors develop some kind of relationship with the class as well as individual learners. You may come to associate names with faces, and in turn, writing styles, personality, strengths, and challenging areas. As you assess and evaluate learners, you most likely provide feedback to students in […]

Building your online instructor persona

The basics One of the most frequent concerns of new online instructors is whether or not they will be able to “get to know” their students and vice versa. Presenting yourself as an instructor and as a person is just as possible in online courses as it is in the face to face setting.  Through […]


The basics The copyright law exceptions for teaching are different for teaching online than they are for teaching face-to-face courses. Assumptions about copyright that you may have about teaching in a face-to-face setting may not apply in the same way to online teaching. When you use third-party content (something created by someone else), you need […]

Basic resources for recording

The basics Recording lecture content can be on a spectrum from incredibly simple (and cheap) to an investment in time and materials that could produce re-usable materials for years to come. How do you decide where you fit in that spectrum? First, consider your time and willingness to learn new technologies. There are some very […]

Half-life your message

The basics If you are accustomed to teaching in a face-to-face class, you’ve probably lectured at some point. If you are teaching online, It’s very tempting to try to directly convert those lectures to a recorded format or even a videoconference where all students are online at the same time. But that’s not always the […]

Exams and quizzes online

The basics You may be comfortable with giving exams or tests in your residential classroom, but what about now in your online class? You may be wondering if you even should give an online exam. (A note about language: Canvas’ testing tool is called Quizzes. This tool can be used for high or low stakes […]

Discipline-specific resources

Arts Business Engineering Foreign Languages Humanities Physical Sciences Social Sciences Writing Medicine/Nursing

Creating engaging online lectures

The basics Although there are many skills used in delivering face-to-face lectures that are equally important in an online context, there are important unique features of teaching and learning online that, when taken into consideration, can set your course up for success. As instructors begin teaching online, they often have a gut instinct to try […]