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Time management in course facilitation

The basics Face-to-face classes have a certain rhythm. For example, you may be accustomed to a schedule that is similar to this: Sunday night, prepare or refresh your lecture slides for the week. Facilitate a class on Monday and Wednesday during which time you answer questions about an upcoming exam. On Thursday, hold office hours […]

Handling conflict in an online environment (good vs bad)

The basics For many people, ‘conflict’ has a negative connotation. Though it is true that some types of conflict can be disruptive, there are other instances in which good conflict can be beneficial to the learning environment. Let’s explore the differences between productive/good and unproductive/bad conflict, and how to navigate them in your online classroom. […]

How is online teaching really different?

The basics The first step in learning the differences between online and face-to-face teaching is understanding that one is not necessarily ‘better’ than the other. There are numerous aspects of traditional teaching practices that are extremely valuable to distance education. However, online teaching requires facilitators to take the knowledge they currently have and expand upon […]

Preparing your home studio or office for online teaching

The basics Just as you would set up your face-to-face classroom prior to the start of each class, it is equally important to do the same for your online class. Appearance, sound, and visual aspects of video correspondence significantly impact how information is delivered and received. These recommendations will help make your lecture recordings and […]

Tips and tricks for synchronous/videoconferencing sessions

The basics Hosting a videoconference or live session can feel daunting at first. Even if you are completely comfortable in front of a class, having to be on camera feels different for some people. Before you start During the session After the session Practical tips Resources University of Michigan CAI – Student guide for videoconferences […]

Using online exams & quizzes

The basics You may be comfortable with giving exams or tests in your residential classroom, but what about now in your online class? You may be wondering if you even should give an online exam. (A note about language: Canvas’ testing tool is called Quizzes. This tool can be used for high or low stakes […]